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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Jackie Chan Adventures System : Playstation 2 Date Added : 2005-04-11 23:38:44 Views : 34079 Defeating the wind demon When fighting the wind demon run in to one side of a cave and then when he starts sucking run out graba rock and throw it into his suction from the side. He will then suck in the rock setting you up for a free hit. Repeat this until you beat him it should be 3 times like all the other demons. The rabbit talisman can come in helpful if you start getting sucked in. You dont really need to use a cave to avoid the suction but I'd say thats wat they are made for. Talsimen powers when playing be carefull as your powers will fade quickly if you run out of chi, but if you break a couple of jars you will find chi in the jars which will repenish your powers and give you the ability to use the talismen Battling the wind demon when you are battling the wind demon i used the rabbit the most becase when he breathes in if you use super speeed he wont be able to eat you and you will be able to grab a rock quickly and throw it at him and then use the pig to hurt him quickly but replenish your chi quickly Battling the wind demon when you are battling the wind demon i used the rabbit the most becase when he breathes in if you use super speeed he wont be able to eat you and you will be able to grab a rock quickly and throw it at him and then use the pig to hurt him quickly but replenish your chi quickly Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Jackie Chan Adventures cheat codes.
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